This room, by far, required the most work of any room in the house. I decided to keep the original cabinets, which saved me a lot of money but meant I had to do a lot more work. Four layers of paint had to be sanded and scraped off. Hardware had to be replaced, which meant holes had to be patched and re-drilled. The inside of all the cabinets had to be cleaned out, and let me tell you, they were GROSS! Dead bugs and droppings were everywhere. The walls needed to be sheet rocked, the floor and counter tops needed to be replaced, and the list goes on.
The day I decide to start on this room I got a suprise knock on the door from my good friend Kelly and her husband. They had brought me breakfast and were wearing their work clothes. They spent all day on a Saturday helping me do the dirtiest of all dirty work. In these pictures Kelly is de-greasing the walls where the oven was and Andrew is sanding paint and funk off of the cabinet doors. What good friends!!
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